Building Trust and Authority: Key Elements of a Successful SaaS Website

October 19, 2023 by Adnan

53.3% of all traffic on a website comes from organic search. Getting users on your website organically requires trust and authority, especially for SaaS businesses as their entire existence is digital.

SaaS businesses often struggle to maintain a website that consistently engages users and converts them into paying customers regularly. If you struggle with this, it could be because your website lacks key elements that are a staple in successful SaaS websites.

We decode the elements in detail below to help you understand how to incorporate them to enhance your website’s organic visibility and convert leads. Let’s get going.

SaaS website design

1. Make the most of video


As many as four times customers prefer to watch a video about a product rather than read about it. Videos have taken the marketing world by storm as they become the go-to medium customers willingly engage in.

As more and more people lean towards watching videos over any other medium, it becomes important to include them in your website to engage users. People are more likely to watch a demonstration of using your SaaS product over a written blog.

There are a few reasons why videos boost your website:

  1. They are easier to consume than other mediums, making customers more willing to engage with them.
  2. They increase the time users spend on your website, boosting your SEO.
  3. They give you the opportunity to dynamically explain your products than you would in other mediums.

This is what you need to keep in mind when you include videos on your website — that they provide valuable information to your users and are easy to consume by them. An excellent way to achieve this is by including movie and video subtitle translation in the content on your website.

Putting subtitles in your videos contributes to the success of your SaaS website:

  1. It makes the video accessible to everyone — people who are hearing impaired and people who may be in sound-sensitive environments can easily consume it.
  2. It gives your video context which makes it easier for Google to crawl the video and present it in appropriate searches, boosting your SEO.
  3. As more and Learn about social media platforms from SocialThink. incorporate and promote video content, they’re likely to put your content front and center as well.
  4. It gives more value to the video as it improves the comprehension and context a viewer will get out of it.

For example, Wistia is a video marketing platform that makes the most of short and informative videos on its homepage to help users understand how it can help them. It’s an effective strategy as it lets users see in real time how effective the use of video will be on their site as well.

2. Get consultation about your SEO strategy

A common mistake many SaaS companies make is not having a strong SEO strategy to set up and run their website. They end up doing what their competitors or companies that they may admire are doing without considering how their unique needs as a company require a unique SEO blueprint.

This is why the website they build ends up lacking the key elements needed to sustain in the ever-changing market. An ideal solution for this issue is to get a proper consultation before you build your website or venture into marketing.

Skale is a SaaS marketing agency for B2B companies and VH-info SaaS link building agency that provides SaaS SEO consultancy along with link-building and SEO management services. Having a consultant’s expertise at your disposal helps you create an optimized website based on your USPs and strengths as a company

A consultancy will:

  1. Help you identify your USPs and what you offer as a company.
  2. Create an optimized website based on what you offer and what your target audience expects from you.
  3. Keep the website updated to include the latest happenings in your company and industry.
  4. Create engaging content around your website’s strength to direct the audience to it and boost its SEO.
  5. Set appropriate KPIs around your goals to help you map out your SEO strategy and follow through with it.
  6. Boost your overall website standing by constantly providing insights with its expertise that you might miss out on.

3. Make sure you’re mobile-friendly


SaaS has been a predominantly computer-focused industry for years. However, mobile devices are a crucial market to target now with the increasing usage of mobile devices. Customers logging into a mobile app show a monthly retention rate of 42%.

An important aspect to consider when creating your website is to ensure that it’s mobile-friendly. This should be done in two ways:

a) Make your website available in mobile dimensions

Make sure that your website can be viewed on any screen resolution without losing its essence. Websites that are not optimized for screens other than desktops might not open on smaller screens or appear on them with the desktop resolution.

This makes the text unreadable. Pictures, GIFs, and videos simply might not load. This hampers the experience of a user and makes them less likely to engage with you in the future. Take care of all these aspects when you optimize it for smaller dimensions:

  • Use light versions of design-heavy websites.
  • Use compressed pictures instead of the ones heavy in size.
  • Add ALT descriptions to every image so that if any picture fails to load, the user can get a fair idea.
  • Use responsive designs that adjust on their own depending on the resolution of the screen.

b) Make your website available as a mobile application

Many SaaS companies stop at simply optimizing their website for mobile devices. However, you can go over and above and make your website available as a mobile application to your users for added retention advantage.

As mentioned in the statistic above, having a mobile app tremendously boosts your retention rates. This is because it’s fairly easy for users to connect with you over a mobile app they can access at any time.

They can connect with you on the go. This gives you the opportunity to interact with them and provide them with valuable experiences more often. To make the most of this, add special features to your mobile app.

It incentivizes customers to use it more often and stay connected with you. For example, “Lose It” and “Fitocracy” are two fitness mobile apps that give the option to share milestones. That has helped users create a community and positive fitness culture.

4. Easy-to-follow User Interface

The User Interface plays a crucial role in attracting users to your website and making them stay. You may go as design-heavy or minimalist as you wish, but the end goal should be to create an interface that the user can easily follow.

You should take the user on a journey to understanding what you offer and engaging with it in the desired manner. Let’s understand this through the example of Adobe and Skillshare websites.

Both are extremely colorful. But the difference lies in how they use their loud interfaces.


Skillshare blasts the colors with no negative space and provides text-heavy information to help you understand the range of classes it offers. It also has a bright green thread following along the page to subconsciously make the user follow to the end.


Adobe, on the other hand, uses its bright colors in contrast with negative space, does not use text much, and keeps the page short. It instead uses GIFs to show the difference using their tool brings to the work you’re doing.

5. Assist users with chatbots

Chatbots have emerged as useful tools to increase the functionality of websites and keep the users engaged for longer. When people visit a website and do not find what they’re looking for, they’re likely to simply leave — adding to your bounce rate — or look around themselves.

Both scenarios make for an unpleasant experience for the user. Having the chatbot greet them as soon as they enter your website ensures that they’re assisted in their experience with you. It can do it in various ways:

  1. If they cannot find something, they can ask the chatbot for assistance. It will lead them to the very page they’re looking for.
  2. It can ask them for their feedback on the website after they’ve spent a few minutes with you.
  3. It can inform them of the offers that you may be running to interest them in a purchase.

Focus on enhancing the user experience with you to find success with your SaaS website

A website is the most crucial tool of a SaaS business as it serves as the one-stop-shop to provide all valuable information to users.

Focus on providing the best experience to your users to build a successful SaaS website. Put videos to keep them on your website longer. Craft an SEO strategy with a consultation to help you understand your USPs.

Make sure your site is both mobile-friendly and available as a mobile application. Pick a user interface that is easy to follow. And deploy chatbots to provide complete assistance to users.

Let us know in the comments what you think are the key elements in creating a successful SaaS website.

Author bio

Atreyee Chowdhury is a professional content and copy writer with more than 10+ years of experience. She’s passionate about helping SMBs and enterprises achieve their content marketing goals with her carefully crafted and compelling content. She loves to read, travel, and experiment with different cuisines in her free time. You can follow her on LinkedIn.

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