Converting Lawyer Website Visitors into Clients: CRO, CTA, and Landing Pages

August 03, 2023 by Adnan

So, you have decent traffic. Thousands of unique visitors are seeing your web pages on Google and clicking through. But hardly anyone is inquiring or converting. What’s going wrong? Assuming you haven’t done anything too out of line on the website (which can be checked by reviewing your competitor websites)—Here’s how you can improve your conversion rate.

In this guide, we’ll cover CRO, CTAs, and landing page considerations. Make sure you take notes or bookmark this page as it can easily take a while to optimize your website by doing all of this.


Website CRO

The website has a conversion rate. It’s how well it can convert. Now obviously, your current conversion rate is low and that’s why you’re reading this guide. The practice of improving your website’s conversion rate is called conversion rate optimization or CRO.

The process typically involves optimizing the website to increase the percentage of visitors who take a desired action, book a call, fill out a contact form, or subscribe to a newsletter.

Strategies for improving conversion rates include:

  • Analyzing user behavior
  • Conducting A/B testing
  • Optimizing page load speed
  • Simplifying the navigation
  • Using clear and compelling calls-to-action (more on these in the next section)
  • Providing persuasive and informative content

Find a law firm SEO services provider to do an audit of your website’s CRO opportunities if you can’t find anything wrong with your website on your own.

CTAs & Forms

It’s important to work on your forms and CTA (call-to-action) buttons.

They both play a crucial role in guiding visitors towards desired actions, such as giving their email addresses or booking a call. Better forms and CTAs convert better.

To optimize forms, lawyers should keep them concise, asking for only essential information, and ensure they are easy to fill out and submit.

CTA buttons should be visually distinct, compelling, and placed strategically on the website to attract attention. Using action-oriented language on the buttons can also increase engagement and conversion rates.

It’s also not rare to place CTAs and form fields with some kind of urgency-creating message that tells the user to take action or possibly lose out on something valuable. SEO services, and importantly franchise SEO services, often use different tools and technologies like Facebook Pixel or a website heatmap utility to find out what’s deterring users from taking an intended action.

Live chat, free consultation, a form field to input an email, or booking a call for a trial of some kind all help improve the conversion rate.

Landing Pages

As any Chicago SEO company will tell you—Your website’s landing page(s) are pivotal to the success of your marketing campaigns and website’s conversion. The landing page is where the user lands. When was the last time you followed a link to a product or service and were met with a good landing page? And how did it make you feel?

A good landing page serves the right kind of information in the best possible way. It doesn’t go on long narratives like some health supplement pages, and neither does it only provide a banner, paragraph, and form. It strikes the perfect balance.

And the best part? You can create multiple landing pages for different services or variations for the same service for split testing!

  • You can address the specific pain points and concerns of your potential clients by creating dedicated landing pages for different practice areas or legal services.
  • Whether it’s filling out a contact form, scheduling a consultation, or calling the law firm directly, a well-designed landing page presents the CTA prominently and makes it easy for visitors to take the next step.
  • Landing pages are designed with a specific goal in mind, which helps create a streamlined user experience. Good landing pages guide visitors toward the desired action without overwhelming them with excessive information. Eliminate distractions and focus on the essential elements.

Web development

Bonus: Design & Content

As a bonus, here are some tips for the design and content of your website. Both of these factors play a crucial role in conditioning and converting the visitors.

In design, you have considerations like user interface, user experience, colors, fonts, layout, mobile responsiveness, and so on. In content, you have considerations like keyword research, uniqueness, readability, and the nature of your articles, guides, or blog posts.

A clean and non-intrusive design helps create a positive user experience and enhances conversion rates. Lawyers should focus on a minimal design that eliminates clutter, uses white space effectively, and ensures the website is visually appealing and easy to navigate.

The design should be consistent with the brand identity and convey professionalism and trustworthiness.

For content, the mantra is to focus on providing value, not generating sales.

There are many ways to provide value, for example, blog posts, articles, case studies, legal guides, or frequently asked questions that address common legal concerns.

Lawyers and law firms can establish themselves as trusted authorities in their field and build credibility by offering valuable insights and expertise. This ultimately increases the likelihood of conversions over time.

Wrapping Up

Working on the things we mentioned in this guide will certainly improve your website’s conversion rate. However, it’s important to know that optimizing a website isn’t a one-time activity. It’s an ongoing process where you update your techniques and learn from other websites (mainly your competitors).

Most SEO packages from any reputable will SEO agency will focus on all these things and more. If you’re stuck or can’t do all of these yourself, then you might need to get a professional team.