6 Reasons You Might Actually Want to Give Google Your Location Data

December 09, 2018 by Marceline Joseph

Google is undeniably a powerhouse and one giant of a search engine which has helped people across the globe to collect information on a plethora of subjects over the years. However, we all tend to become somewhat skeptical when it comes to Google asking us to share some of our information.

The search engine, reportedly, processes more than 40,000 search queries every single second. This results in more than 3.5 billion searches per day (on an average).  From looking for your favorite apparel online to a student seeking essay help from digital archives and educational portals, Google probably has an answer to every single query ever made.  Now, you need to take a look at the other side of the coin as well. The results that are shown, and the amount of information the search engine processes every single day are mostly based on the real-time data and information tracking technologies.

Every time Google tracks its user data and information, the experience of using the search engine, along with the results that appear on the screen tend to get better, accurate and more helpful. Even though people are accustomed to Google tracking the data, sharing location details with the search engine is something we are not completely comfortable with.

Here are the reasons why you should consider giving #Google your #location data. Click To Tweet

Take some time out and give it a read. The chances are that you might find things more meaningful than ever.

Makes it Much Easier for You to Know the ETA to your Destination

We all wish to know the Estimated Time of Arrival when it comes to reaching a destination or a food delivery reaching your place on wheels, isn’t it? This is where the application and functionality of Google with real-time updates and ETAs might just come into play.

Sharing your location data with Google will not only help you with the estimated time, but it would also help you to know about the latest updates on traffic, recommended routes and the possibility of any other on-road hassles based on predicted and accumulated data extracted from your location details.

Google Maps Sharing Location

Google Maps is one useful tool that comes into play in such cases. Using this application would eventually help you figure out the shortest route to travel and reach your destination. In addition to it, sharing location data would also help you to determine all routes, classified and based on the parameters clear/no traffic, slow-moving/congested traffic and likes.

Helps you reconnect to your past locations and check-ins

This is yet another reason that might lure you to share location data with Google, and for all good reasons though! Google makes it easier for you to relocate a past check-in, as sharing your location data with the application enables it to identify all places which you have visited in the past, that too without the hassle.

Now that you are wondering how things work out this way, then “location history” is the answer. If you have kept your location history on during the time of visiting a particular place, then Google will help you to figure out all dates and the frequency of your visit to that particular location in the past. Isn’t it much simpler and smarter from a lot of crucial aspects? I’m sure it is.

It would help apps to remember where you have parked the car

Even though it sounds somewhat strange, allow me to explain. What if you park a car and then forget about its location and look for it helplessly at the parking lot? Strange things do happen on earth, and it happens a lot. In case you are struggling with such issues, just open up the Google Maps application on your phone and tap the blue dot representing your current location.

Google Maps Parked Car

It would immediately show a few options which can be utilized to save the location you are currently in. Adding it up to your notes or setting a reminder will allow the app to notify you to drive back your car when it’s time. If you are trying to get back to the parked car, simply open the Google Maps and tap the “Parking Location” feature added to it. Voila, there you go, have a safe drive!

You get to know about and receive live weather updates at your location

Sharing your current location with Google would also help you to receive all updated news and approximate weather predictions. Weather updates are certainly an important aspect of everyone’s life, especially in a world where we are busy attending daily chores and work pressure. Thus, a weather update on the go is something I believe is helpful for obvious reasons.

Imagine you are about to leave for your office and Google assistant helps you with a live weather update, forecasting heavy rainfall in your city. This, as a result, will help you to plan and arrange job schedules for the day accordingly.

In case you have an outdoor visit and likewise activities, then you might choose to either postpone it or shift it to your office space, instead of taking the risk of holding outdoor meetings. While this was only an example, there are a lot of reasons and perks of sharing location with Google for smart weather updates on the move.

Location histories and data helps you to track all similar businesses in a particular area

From the global E-learning assistance to online shopping and availability of online business consultants these days, the emergence of the internet and the advancement of Google, the world has come a long way in terms of digitization of businesses.

Now, in case you need to have enough options regarding a particular business or a service nearest to your location or any other venue, sharing the location data will allow Google to provide you with the result displaying all similar businesses and services available in and around the preferred location. Thus, you get to have ample options with just a single tap on your Smartphone.

Helps Google assistant works smarter and in a more effective way

The virtual assistant is one effective application which can be made more efficient with all requisite information and location data necessary to help the app work smoothly. Not only weather updates and helping people figure out their parked cars, Google has a lot more things and advantages for its users in store.

Google Assistant

Location histories and live tracking features can help people locate the nearest bus stop, railway stations, airports, restaurants, cafes, motels and more. The best thing about sharing your location data with Google is the fact that the application would provide you with more relevant recommendations, which, at times, might not be possible with the help of word-of-mouth or general assumptions.

Helps Google Calendar pull in locating information for better updates

There are at least 98,796 live websites using Google Calendar for a reason. A seamless location tracking helps Google Calendar come up with better updates and location information for its users.

Not only Google Maps, but the Google Calendar is also equally helpful when it comes to helping the users with timely updates flight info, hotel reservations, meetings, so on and so forth.

The location data that it tracks is eventually used in order to improve user experience, for a relevant, more effective and useful notifications on the move.

So, the next time you would find a Google application asking you to share the location data, do not refrain from cooperating unless the data is too confidential to talk about. And as far as protecting your identity and ensuring information security are concerned, you can always protect your Google account with two-factor authentication to safeguard your data from being misused or intruded by the hackers around the world.