Responsive vs. Adaptive Design: Selecting the Best for Your Small Business

November 21, 2021 by Patricia Bennett

Currently, a company without a digital presence is as if it did not exist.

Even with the rise of social networks, having a #website is essential. Your letter of introduction is to win new #customers, attract potential buyers, expand your information to suppliers, and other benefits. Click To Tweet

Whether you have an in-person hardware store or a furniture store in a hybrid format, a website will provide confidence to increase your income, even if you don’t sell directly on the website.

Definitely, no one likes to visit sites that load slowly or don’t allow easy navigation, and when it comes to visitors willing to buy, you wouldn’t want to lose them for these reasons. According to Top Design Firms, 71% of U.S. businesses have a website, but it won’t do any good if the design or navigation scares away potential customers.

According to the Adobe Consumer Content Survey data, 38% of Internet users abandon poorly designed sites. And according to data collected by Formstack, 57% of people do not recommend a poorly designed site for mobile devices.

Optimizing a website represents an essential investment if you need financing but don’t have the necessary documentation. Click here and find out how to make your ITIN application, the first step to get capital.

What is responsive design? What is adaptive design?

For a simpler explanation, imagine your website as your house and the web design as the furniture. If you put an armchair that blocks the entrance, guests won’t get in; the same goes for your site. If you place an image that blocks the rest of the content, you will scare your visitors away. Two concepts will be of great help to properly design your site. Both are good options; choose the one that best fits your resources and needs.

Adaptive Design

This web design uses a layout that facilitates content, visuals, and navigation across multiple screens where the person opens the site like a smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer. For each one, you will have to use preset templates in which you will have to manually load the images and adjust the typography according to the size of the device.

Responsive Design

In this case, a single layout automatically reconfigures your website, depending on the device the customer is accessing from. All elements move dynamically as you adjust to size.

Benefits of applying each one

Adaptive designs offer several advantages, mainly related to the user experience (UX) since they more efficiently adapt to different devices. Loading times are shorter, and image resolution is optimized. If most of your visits come from mobile devices, it is undoubtedly the best option. It should be noted that the cost is higher and requires constant maintenance.

Web Design

The great advantage of responsive design is that the cost is considerably lower since designers only work on a single layout. It works great for pages with a lot of content and whose main objective is not to get sales directly in this channel, but they want to achieve good reading and navigation. It is essential to mention that depending on the device, hide some sections.

In either case, you will need capital to optimize your website. If you want to apply for a loan, it will be necessary to have the required documentation. In case your immigration status is not completed, the first step is to make the ITIN application. Don’t waste time and get this fundamental document to obtain capital.

What consider to select the best design for your small business

In theory, the adaptive design is the format that offers the best user experience, but when we talk about business pages, it is necessary to consider many other variables. An excellent option is to get personalized advice from specialists. In a AI website builder platform, the approximate cost is 300 dollars. While a freelancer charges between 500 and 5,000 dollars; and an agency from 3,000 to 100 thousand.

The best option for your business will be the one that suits your needs. If you do not have the budget for this vital task, consider the possibility of obtaining financing. Keep in mind that in most cases, they require a Social Security number. There are some alternatives, such as online lenders that grant loans with an ITIN number. Don’t wait any longer; make your ITIN application and consolidate the company of your dreams with a site that will help you achieve your financial goals.

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