Top 8 Ways to Improve Your Content Before Publishing

January 12, 2021 by Nina Medanić

Every now and again, content creators will find themselves in a rut. While it is frustrating and tiresome, it is not necessarily a bad thing. When you feel like your blog or website is in a boring place and doesn’t get as much traffic, the best thing to do is improve the blog itself and future posts.

Revitalizing and simply refreshing your #website can bring you more #visitors, increase #engagement, and give more life to it. Click To Tweet

Some simple changes you can make to your blog may change the theme and aesthetic parts of it. Try to implement new fonts, different headers, or fun widgets. Maybe some of your plugins are outdated and should be updated. While you are there, you might discover you have plugins that are not useful to you anymore and are not working for you. Another thing you can do is change the layout of your posts or images. Sometimes the little things make all of the difference.

When it comes to your content, quantity doesn’t always mean quality. You can have five new posts every day, but it doesn’t really matter much if the readers don’t get any value from it. It’s better if you have fewer new posts that are carefully thought out. Before publishing your post, try seeing it from your audience’s perspective. Besides, imagine you are a user that is for the first time seeing your website. If you don’t like what you are seeing, you need to make some changes.

Without further ado, keep reading to find out what you can do to improve your content and drive more traffic to your website.

Choose the best photos for your post

I’m sure you know already that photos play a big part in the quality of blog posts. If your post is particularly long, readers can get bored and possibly abandon your article or blog post. To avoid that, you can add interesting images that correspond with the topic of your post. Unfortunately, if your images are not good enough, it doesn’t really help. You don’t want your images too big, or grainy, or simply not relevant to the content. Maybe it seems like a small thing, but it can paint you in an unprofessional way, which is not something you are striving towards. Investing in high-quality aesthetic photography is essential for cultivating a distinctive visual brand identity for your posts.

Post Photo

When choosing the perfect images, try to pick ones that are completely relevant to your post. If you are talking about dog training equipment, don’t put an image related to cats. Also, try to look for high-quality images, with the subject easily identifiable, with good exposure, and so on. Moreover, try to steer away from over-used and generic photos. There are millions of good images, so don’t just use the first image you find, which has probably been used repeatedly. Of course, it’s essential to resize and compress your images, as well as optimize them for search engines and for mobile devices. That can be easily done in almost any photo editor or specialized online tool.
You can also replace photo background online to customize the stock images you use for your content.

Write the perfect headline

Writing a compelling headline that will grab your readers’ attention is something you have to do if you want to actually have readers. It doesn’t matter if you have the best post on the planet if no one has even read it. The reason for nobody reading it could be because your headline was bland and just not attention catching. Your post will be judged by its headline so it is a good idea to spend just a little more time crafting a headline that is going to be relevant to the topic but also appealing to your audience.

Do better research with MarketMuse

Sometimes when you have a lot of research to do, it’s tedious, and you simply don’t have enough time to do it all manually. However, if you don’t do enough research, you are risking being not credible. MarketMuse is a tool that will help you do all of that research and plan and craft your content.

MarketMuse will analyze thousands of pages of your topic and identify the most relevant topic.

You can also use the Compete application to check out how is your competition’s content measuring up. The tool will help you have comprehensive and differentiated content that will make you stand out in the sea of other content creators and bloggers. You will spend less time gathering data and more time perfecting your content.

Optimize content for SEO

If you want your website to rank higher on search engines, you have to optimize your content. To do this, you can use keywords in your posts that are guaranteed to drive more traffic to your website. You can add a meta title and meta description as well as embed internal links to other pieces of your content. Mastering SEO isn’t the easiest of tasks, but you can always resort to the best SEO companies to ensure that your content is professionally optimized and gaining the recognition it deserves.

SEO optimization

Use scannable formatting

This means you should use formatting that it will be easy for your visitors to read your posts. To assure your format won’t scare away the readers, try emphasizing key points in your subheadlines, write in easy to digest sentences, and use bullet points and other segmentation. Similarly, keep in mind that you want your posts to be readable. However, that means different things based on your audience, so keep in mind having content that suits your current audience or audience that you want to attract.

Take care of grammar rules

If you don’t proofread your posts before publishing, that can really hurt your reputation. You don’t want your posts to be full of grammar mistakes that a teenager wouldn’t make. Sure, we all make mistakes, but that’s why you have to edit your content before you publish it. You can have another author take a look at your posts, and you can read them out loud or use a spell-checker. However you do it, it’s something you have to take care of.

Before publishing your content, it’s crucial to ensure its quality and relevance to your audience. You can enhance your work by conducting thorough research and incorporating valuable insights, making it more engaging and informative. For academic content, especially dissertations, seeking professional assistance from services like can provide the expertise needed to refine your work to the highest standards.

Insert infographics

Sometimes, a photo isn’t enough to convey a concept or additional information that goes along with the topic of your post. To change it up a little and provide useful data, you can insert infographics in your posts. They are graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge. It’s a good idea because it’s combining data and visuals that are easy to understand.


Internal links

Internal links are a way of promoting your other pieces of content in the blog posts. They are links that connect from one page to the other within the same domain. Internal links are important because they assist the visitors with your site’s navigation and directing them to the most important pages on your website.

If you want to rank higher on search engines and drive more traffic to your page, internal links are the way to go.

Be careful not to overwhelm your posts with links, but also don’t put in too few, or they will go unnoticed.

Final thoughts

It’s normal sometimes to experience a fall in visitors and engagement on your website. It’s also normal to feel frustrated about it. Thankfully, you can do a number of things to get out of that rut and improve your content. I have provided you with 8 ways to improve your content before you publish it to increase traffic.

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