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Do’s & Don’ts of SEO to Follow in 2023

Do's & Don'ts of SEO to Follow in 2023

SEO can be confusing for many, especially when you are trying too many methods at the same time. There is no doubt that SEO is dynamic, ever-changing, and vast. There are rules, but no scientific formula exists to ensure that one SEO technique will work.

However, there are clear dos and don’ts which you can follow. These will at least help you navigate your way through the maze of digital marketing and SEO.

What Is SEO

Search Engine Optimization is the technique by which you create a brand identity in the digital space and attract the audience to your content.

There are different kinds of SEO optimization in digital marketing. Some of them are:

Within these SEO techniques, there are practices that can either skyrocket your views or bring them down. Now, we will be giving you a practiced distinction between the two.

Do’s Of SEO

Here is what you should do when you are practicing SEO, according to the experts in Google SEO agency in Singapore.

1. Do Keep Checking The Results

Without the results, you will have no way of understanding whether your SEO technique is actually working. You can check the health, views, and potential of your content through Google Analytics. However, you can also hire experts who have experience with other tools. They will provide you with a comprehensive analysis of the strategy and advise you on how to do better.

2. Do Keep A Tab On The Trends

Trends can make or break your digital presence. You could be the first one introducing the trends, or better even become a trendsetter. For this, you always have to be on high alert and create surveys every month to understand the latest trends. SEO strategy is ever-changing, so even if it was working in 2022, it might not be in 2023.

3. Do Optimize Your Website

Just optimizing your blogs with top-quality keywords is not enough. You also have to optimize your website in terms of on-page SEO. This means:

4. Do Concentrate On Information

In the day and age of fast optimization, many forget the actual reason behind websites, blogs, and product descriptions. It is to provide information to the audience first and then optimize for the algorithms. So, always provide quality content that your audience will enjoy before anything else.

5. Do Practise Off Page SEO

Off-page SEO is when you optimize your content through other sources. For example, you have a social media platform where you are engaging with your target audience and linking it to your e-commerce website. There are many such Off-page SEO practices.

– Like Link Building.

– Image search on Pinterest & Tumblr.

– Influencer Marketing.

Of all these components, the most important part off page SEO strategy is link building. It takes a lot of work to get it right, but you could also use a white label link building service if you run an agency.

Don’ts Of SEO

These are your “what not to do” list when dealing with SEO.

1. Don’t Practice Black Hat SEO

Black hat SEO is an ethically wrong practice in terms of optimization. They might help you to get the initial boost in SEO, but that is a victory that never lasts. These would include.

– Keyword stuffing.

– Placing hidden links.

– Invisible texts.

– Unrelated keywords on the page to help it rank.

2. Don’t Copy Others Content

Plagiarism is the biggest red flag to google and anyone willing to work with you based on your content page. You do not have to be an expert yet, but copying another expert will make a bad impression. So, always opt for original content.

3. Don’t Forget About Previous Content

If your previous content is not performing well, do not forget about them just yet. Try to revive them through optimization methods. An article that didn’t perform well a year before might skyrocket now.

4. Don’t Ignore Bad Reviews

Lastly, do not ignore the bad review, but at the same time, do not demotivate yourself with them. Learn from them, understand what the audience wants, and then prosper.

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