7 Strategies to Get People to Share Your Content

November 23, 2020 by Marin Bašić

I know you’d all like all of your posts to go viral, but that is simply impossible. However, it doesn’t mean that you should give up completely. There are ways to market your content online without much hassle. Yes, experienced marketers are more likely to reach wider audiences, but there is still a place for your content out there.

If you want your #post to go #viral, you’ll need to get a few things in order first. Want to know which ones? Keep reading. Click To Tweet

For example, you have to know what your audience wants and how to approach them best; then, you’ll need to create epic content and promote it through various channels to attract as many clicks as possible.

If you’re asking yourselves – is all of this really necessary and is promoting your content worth it, let me explain. You see, for smaller bloggers or beginners, it can be quite hard to stand out from the crowd and get your posts to go viral. You’re asking why? Well, their audience is probably not that large, and most of the time, they don’t use the proper tools, which is why I’ll show you exactly what you need to get started.

Before we get into the details, keep in mind that it is important to analyze your audience, and find the most shared content. If you take care of that, only then will investing in marketing be worth it.

Various aspects such as colors, shapes, images, words, and so on affect sharing content, so it is important that you try to implement as many strategies as possible if you want to reach a wider audience. If you make all the right moves, you’ll have your bounce rate drop and improve conversions, so it is a win-win situation.

How to Get Visitors to Share Your Content Across the Web

Create Epic Content

I can’t stress this enough; you must have quality content if you want others to like and share it. Ask yourself – would you share something that you don’t find worthy? Probably no, am I right?

So, great content should “sell” itself, and with a few more tweaks, the numbers can go through the roof.

For example, try to write articles that are >1500 words, as smaller posts don’t get shared too much. If you can, you can write more words, and you’ll have a better chance of getting shared as well, so it all depends on your abilities to produce content.

Make Your Content Easy to Share

The easier it is to share your content, the more likely people will share it. People are lazy and don’t want to waste any of their time. If it takes more than 3 clicks, it is probably just too much work, and this can be avoided by using tools that allow visitors to share your content with just a few clicks.

Appeal to multilingual audiences

As well as making your content easy to share with those who speak your native language, you can also appeal to foreign audiences with ease. Video translation services will make short work of delivering your video content in other languages, while services such as Zoom interpretation mean you can deliver multilingual webinars in just a few clicks. Your written content is just as easy to translate, so don’t forget to court those who speak other languages.

Content Share

Ask Visitors to Share Your Content

If you’re not asking for shares, then it is no wonder that you’re missing out. Studies show that posts that ask for shares are more likely to be shared.

The easiest way to get more shares is to simply ask them to share it (within your post), but the best way is to implement call-to-actions (CTAs) to your posts.

The best example here is Facebook, which allows you to place a CTA at the bottom of your post, which encourages users to share your content. Make sure that your CTAs are clear and simple to use.

Use Visual Content (Images)

A picture is worth a thousand words, so, in addition to your well-thought-out text, try adding a compelling image that will attract their attention and incentivize them to engage with and share your posts.

Humans are visual creatures, and it is much easier for our brains to process an image than endless text lines.

blog images

I’m pretty sure that most people will react better to posts that include images, and you can easily test it out yourself.

Incentivize Users to Share Your Content

Besides asking for shares, you can do giveaways and/or introduce coupons, which are guaranteed to get you more traffic for a small price. I know you’re just getting started, and you don’t think that you can afford this but just hear me out. It doesn’t have to be something expensive; you can giveaway shirts with your logo that strengthens your brand and builds authority or simply give 5% coupons to those who are willing to help you out. This method will pay out but mostly in the long run.

Use Tools to Promote Your Content

I’m sure you’ve tried some of the free tools that claim to help you promote your content and that they’ve left a bitter taste in your mouth, but there are some (paid for) tools out there that work quite well. If you can afford it, I’d definitely recommend you try them out as they will boost your social shares, as well as reputation management software to strengthen your online credibility.

Social Media

Use Influencers To Reach Target Audiences

It is no secret that influencers have an immense reach on their audience. If you’re looking to target a specific (large) group of people, there simply is no more effective solution. Influencers have successfully built their image over time, used an Instagram bot to improve their accounts, and they’ve mastered marketing skills as they’ve been working in the industry for a long time.

Quuu Promote – Promote Content and Increase Organic Reach

Quuu Promote

Quuu Promote is a simple tool that will boost your content promotion and drive more organic traffic to your site. The best thing here is that it isn’t limited to specific industries and allows content promotion throughout 500 interest categories, which means that your content will get in front of your target audience. Quickly promote your blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics, and reach wider audiences. All you have to do is link your post (URL) and it will automatically grab all the needed details, then, select your interest category, write a creative description, and submit it for approval. It is that easy, don’t you agree?

Plans & Features

  • Quuu Promote credits have no expiration date
  • Code(s) must be redeemed within 60 days of purchase
  • Supports all future updates & features
  • You can stack unlimited codes
  • It is GDPR compliant

Quuu Promote Plans

Quuu Promote doesn’t just promote your content, it also improves your SEO ranking and lowers the bounce rate of your website. Furthermore, you can get hundreds of social mentions via Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn by promoting your content from various domain names.

If you don’t want to invest a lot of time into doing all of this manually (yourself), I highly recommend you use this tool to automatically do the hard work for you, while you attend to other more important aspects of your business.

Quuu Promote

Easily track all clicks and shares through your dashboard and see how they perform.

Maximize your content marketing by seeing how different audiences react to specific content and find the right target audience for your posts.

Quuu Promote

Increase engagement and direct traffic from social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn over to your pages and boost social signals.

The more content you get out there the more chances for quality leads that lead to your website, subscribing to your mailing list, becoming loyal fans, and so on.

Quuu Promote

With over 500 niche interest topics, Quuu Promote lets you match your content with influencers and industry leaders.

Keep in mind that infomercials won’t pass their curation guidelines, so avoid overly-salesy, offensive, or outdated content.

Quuu Promote

It is hard to promote your content most of the time, even if you know what you’re doing. However, you now have Quuu Promote to help you engage with relevant audiences, boost online visibility, and automate your content promotion.

Please note that it takes a day or two for them to approve your posts, so don’t panic if they don’t appear instantly.


The most important thing that I want you to understand is that even if you invest your time and produce high-quality content, it will need some marketing help. You can have loads of epic content but if nobody can find it, what is the point? This is why people have started using marketing tools that help spread their content via different channels. The more visible your content is the higher your chance of getting recognized and shared across the web. If you are a content creator, marketer, or blogger, then Quuu Promote might just be the thing your content needs to excel.