Site icon Google Maps Widget

Common problems

If you’re having problems with displaying the Google Maps Widget on your WordPress website, please check this list of the most common problems which can be easily fixed.

Missing API key

One of the most common problems is a missing API key. Google requires that everyone has a valid API key for the mapping technology to work properly. Please navigate to Settings -> Google Maps Widget and check if you have a valid API key by clicking the Test API Key button. If you still haven’t created one, please see how to generate a free API key.

JavaScript errors

Sometimes, a theme or a 3rd party plugin may have a malfunctioning JavaScript file which prevents other plugins including GMW from working properly. In that case, you will have to fix the error in order for GMW to work properly.

You can test for JS errors by opening the browser console:

  1. Right-click anywhere on a page
  2. Choose Inspect element
  3. Debug tool will open
  4. Open the console tab
  5. If there are any fatal JS errors (red ones), try locating the theme file/plugin causing the problem
  6. Deactivate the plugin or change the theme

Multiple map files inclusion

If your theme or other plugins already use Google Maps, chances are that the required API files are already included on your pages. If so, the problem can be solved by disabling the option from GMW settings page. You can also remove the API key from the theme/plugin to avoid problems.

Can’t save changes

When using multiple pins, usually more than 150 of them, you might get a problem with saving changes. If that’s the case, you will need to increase max_input_vars in your PHP configuration:

  1. Log in to your control panel or FTP client
  2. Locate .htaccess file and edit it with a text editor
  3. Add this line at the bottom of the file:
    php_value max_input_vars 2000
  4. Save the changes to the .htaccess file
  5. Exit the text editor
  6. Go to the map and try saving changes

If you are not sure how to make the changes, please contact your hosting provider and ask them to increase max_input_vars to 2000.

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