10 Facebook Live Tips and Best Practices

March 26, 2023 by Antonia Zivcic

Facebook Live is a powerful tool that can help businesses connect with their audience and build brand awareness. But to get the most out of your Facebook Live broadcasts, it is important to follow best practices and tips. Here are ten Facebook Live tips and best practices to help you create engaging and effective broadcasts.


Plan your broadcast

1. Plan Your Broadcast

The first step to a successful Facebook Live broadcast is to plan your content. This means choosing a topic, preparing talking points, and creating any necessary visuals or props. By planning, you can ensure that your broadcast is organized, informative, and engaging.

2. Promote Your Broadcast

To maximize the reach of your Facebook Live broadcast, it is important to promote it in advance. This means sharing information about your broadcast on your social media channels, email newsletter, and other marketing channels. You can also create a Facebook event for your broadcast to make it easy for your audience to RSVP and receive reminders.

3. Use a High-Quality Camera and Microphone

The quality of your broadcast is important, and using a high-quality camera and microphone can help ensure that your audience can see and hear you. Consider investing in a high-quality camera and microphone to improve the production value of your broadcast.

4. Choose a Quiet and Well-Lit Location

When choosing a location for your Facebook Live broadcast, it is important to choose a quiet and well-lit area. Avoid noisy areas and make sure that your surroundings are well-lit so that your audience can see you.

5. Interact with Your Audience

One of the benefits of Facebook Live is the ability to interact with your audience in real time. Encourage your audience to ask questions and respond to comments during your broadcast. This can help build engagement and create a sense of community around your brand.

Be Authentic and Personable

6. Be Authentic and Personable

Authenticity is important in building trust and credibility with your audience. When broadcasting on Facebook Live, it is important to be yourself and to show your personality. This can help build rapport with your audience and create a more memorable experience.

7. Keep Your Broadcasts Short and Focused

When broadcasting on Facebook Live, it is important to keep your broadcasts short and focused. Consider breaking up longer topics into shorter segments to keep your audience engaged and to make it easier for them to consume your content.

8. Provide Value to Your Audience

The key to building engagement and loyalty with your audience is to provide value. When broadcasting on Facebook Live, make sure that you are providing useful and informative content that your audience will find valuable. This can help establish your authority and credibility in your industry.

9. Follow Up with Your Audience

After your Facebook Live broadcast, it is important to follow up with your audience to keep the conversation going. Consider sending a follow-up email or posting additional content related to your broadcast to keep your audience engaged and informed.

10. Analyze Your Results

To improve the effectiveness of your Facebook Live broadcasts, it is important to analyze your results. This means looking at metrics such as views, engagement, and watch time to see how your audience is responding to your content. Use this information to refine your strategy and improve the quality of your broadcasts.


In conclusion, Facebook Live is a powerful tool that can help businesses connect with their audience and build brand awareness. By following best practices and tips such as planning your broadcast, promoting your broadcast, using a high-quality camera and microphone, choosing a quiet and well-lit location, interacting with your audience, being authentic and personable, keeping your broadcasts short and focused, providing value to your audience, following up with your audience, and analyzing your results, you can create engaging and effective Facebook Live broadcasts that help grow your business. Consider incorporating these tips into your Facebook Live strategy and see how they can benefit your brand.