Site icon Google Maps Widget

How to install Google Maps Widget

Free version:

Method 1:

  1. Navigate to Plugins -> Add New
  2. Search for Google Maps Widget
  3. Click on the Install now button and activate the plugin


Method 2:

  1. Go to Google Maps Widget
  2. Click the blue Download button and save the ZIP file
  3. Navigate to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload Plugin -> Choose File
  4. Select the ZIP file you just downloaded
  5. Install and activate the plugin

Method 3:

  1. Go to Google Maps Widget
  2. Click the blue Download button, save the ZIP file and extract it in a temporary folder
  3. Open an FTP client and connect to your server
  4. Navigate to wp-content/plugins/ folder
  5. Upload the google-maps-widget folder you extracted in the temporary location
  6. Navigate to Plugins -> All Plugins and activate Google Maps Widget


PRO version:

Method 1:

  1. Use one of the free methods above to install the plugin
  2. Navigate to Settings -> Google Maps Widget
  3. Open the third PRO License tab and enter your license key
  4. Follow the on the screen update instructions

Method 2:

  1. Follow the link from the email you have received after purchasing
  2. Download and install the plugin (see instructions for free version above)
  3. Navigate to Settings -> Google Maps Widget
  4. Open the PRO License tab and enter the license key

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