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How to generate a Google Maps API key

In order for Google Maps Widget to work properly, Google requires everyone to have a valid API key. The key can be quickly and easily created from the Google’s API Console.

  1. Open Google Developers Console from this link
  2. From the dropdown list, choose “Create a Project
  3. Click the “Continue” button and wait for a few seconds
  4. You will see “Add credentials to your project” title -> click the API key link
  5. Give it a name (for example “GMW key”). You will want to restrict access to your API Key to avoid having it stolen and going over your quota. (for advanced features, in the PRO version, you can create a secondary unrestricted API key with Google Geocoding API enabled. This API key will not be publicly visible)

  1. Click on the Create button and copy your API key


  1. Go back to your WordPress site -> Settings -> Google Maps Widget PRO
  2. Paste your API key and save changes

*Please note that it might take several minutes before your new API key becomes functional.

Google Cloud billing

Recently, Google has made some changes related to the usage of Google Maps API. Before you can start using the API key, you will also need to set up your billing account. Don’t worry – although you need to set it up, that doesn’t mean that you actually have to pay for anything extra.

Google still offers $200 free monthly usage which is more than enough for 99% of the users. So, unless you have millions of visitors per months, you shouldn’t worry.

You can learn more about pricing & plans, and you can also set up budgets & alerts to be safe that you don’t get charged.

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